Darum ist family.cards praktischer als ein Smartphone für Senioren

That's why family.cards is more practical than a smartphone for seniors

Oct 22, 2024Wilhelmine Goetz

If you want to buy a senior cell phone or smartphone because you want to make communication easier for your parents, there is an alternative that is even more practical and user-friendly : family.cards .

In this article, you will learn why family.cards is a better choice for your parents and how it overcomes the typical challenges of a senior smartphone.

1. Simple operation without technical hurdles

A senior citizen's cell phone or smartphone may seem simple at first glance because of the large buttons, but it is still an unfamiliar technical device with buttons, menus and often confusing touchscreens. Many senior citizens find it difficult to use such devices intuitively, as fine motor skills, eyesight and cognitive abilities can deteriorate with age.

This is different about family.cards:

Instead of a menu, each function is started by placing a card on the red card reader. It is connected to the TV and plays all content automatically:

  • no navigation through menus
  • no tiny keys
  • no complicated touchscreen

Anyone who uses family.cards can get started right away and use all the content without any prior technical knowledge or long familiarization periods . This makes family.cards the ideal solution for seniors who are overwhelmed by smartphones and touchscreens.

If you would like to find out which cards and content family.cards offers, you can find an overview of our content here:

2. More functions than just making phone calls

When you buy a cell phone for seniors , the main focus is usually on telephony. But what if you want more than just making traditional phone calls to your parents?

There are many benefits of a video call:

  • Video calls with images are more emotional
  • Communication with impaired hearing is made easier
  • Improved communication between older people and children

Family.cards offers a wide range of additional features that go far beyond what a senior smartphone can do.

In addition to video calls, your parents can also use family.cards to view photos and videos, listen to music, do age-appropriate exercise or watch TV, sports and news programs - all on the familiar television.

In this way, family.cards not only promotes communication, but also the mental and physical activity of your parents and ensures a holistic enrichment of their everyday life.

3. Better integration into everyday family life

A senior's cell phone allows you to make phone calls, but family.cards goes a step further by involving all family members of all ages. As a relative, you can not only make video calls , but also transfer photos, videos or personalized messages directly to your parents' system.

In this way, photos and videos from everyday family life are no longer reserved for the older relatives in your area. This strengthens the bond across long distances and creates more participation in everyday life. family.cards thus becomes a community element that goes far beyond the functions of a senior smartphone and takes the relationship between you and your parents to a new, closer level.

4. Familiar TV screen instead of small displays

Smartphones for seniors have significant disadvantages:

  • Seniors' cell phones have small screens
  • Seniors' cell phones are not familiar with how to use them
  • Seniors’ cell phones use menus and buttons for control

In contrast, in many households the television is the central device that seniors have been familiar with throughout their lives. So why buy a new device like a senior smartphone when you can use a technology that your parents already use every day?

Family.cards uses the large screen of the TV, so there is no need to learn new technology or control a device . Unlike a senior's cell phone , whose small screen is often difficult to handle, the TV offers your parents a comfortable and easy-to-understand interface that they can use without effort:

  • The TV screen is large and easy to see
  • The TV volume is already optimally set
  • The TV cannot be misplaced or lost

5. Remote control and support

With a senior citizen's cell phone , your parents are often left to their own devices when technical problems arise. This is where the great advantage of family.cards comes into play: Using our companion app, the family.app, you can manage your parents' system completely remotely . Not only can you order new cards, but you can also view the status of the system and provide immediate remote assistance with technical questions.

This means that you as a relative can remain flexible and at the same time ensure that your parents' system always works perfectly - without you having to be on site . This remote maintenance function takes a lot of pressure off both you and your parents.

6. Future-proof and expandable

A senior citizen's cell phone is often very limited in its functions. Family.cards , on the other hand, is modular and can be expanded with new functions at any time. If your parents' needs change, you can easily order additional cards for new applications, such as series, films, exercise and relaxation exercises or audio books.

Since each function is stored on its own card, users of family.cards do not need to understand how modern programs work. They receive a flexible solution that is individually tailored to their needs.

Conclusion: Why family.cards is better than a senior mobile phone or smartphone

If you are looking to buy a senior cell phone or senior smartphone, consider choosing family.cards instead. It offers:

  • easier control
  • more features
  • better family bonding
  • expandable usage options
  • quick learnability

Above all, it uses the familiar television and allows you as a relative to control the system remotely – a significant relief in everyday life for you and your parents.

Try family.cards and discover how it can make your parents’ lives easier and enrich them!

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