A price that is worth it – for worry-free digital participation.
The set
Everything you need is included.
Comparison: Why is the better solution for seniors was developed specifically for older people, while other solutions are often just modified versions of existing technologies. Here is the direct comparison:Lösung | Preis (Hardware) | Preis (Monatlich) | Bedienbarkeit | Funktionalität | Nachteile für Senioren |
📺 | 199 € einmalig | 14,99 € pro Monat | ✅ Extrem einfach: Karten auflegen | ✅ Videotelefonie, Fotos, Musik, Telemedizin | ✅ Keine Passwörter, keine Werbung, keine technischen Hürden |
📱 Senioren-Smartphone | 200–500 € | 20–30 € | ⚠️ Touchscreen oft zu kompliziert | ⚠️ Eingeschränkte Funktionen, kein großer Bildschirm | ❌ Kleine Schrift & Symbole, unübersichtlich |
📲 Senioren-Tablet | 250–600 € | 10–20 € | ⚠️ Touchscreen bleibt problematisch | ⚠️ Wenig intuitive Bedienung | ❌ WLAN erforderlich, viele Untermenüs |
🗣️ Smart Speaker | 100–300 € | 0–10 € | ⚠️ Sprachsteuerung oft unzuverlässig | ❌ Keine Videotelefonie, kein direkter Kontakt | ❌ Kompliziert bei Dialekten, keine visuelle Unterstützung |
📞 Hausnotruf-System | 100–250 € | 20–40 € | ✅ Einfacher Notrufknopf | ❌ Nur Notfallfunktion, kein sozialer Kontakt | ❌ Kein Mehrwert außerhalb von Notfällen |
📡 TV-Smartboxen | 100–300 € | 10–30 € | ⚠️ Menüführung oft komplex | ⚠️ Keine Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten | ❌ Kein sozialer Austausch, Fokus nur auf Entertainment |
We have summarized all information about the costs of for you.
Why do I pay a monthly usage fee?
We are constantly working on developing new, exciting features. You pay a one-off device fee of €199. The monthly fee ensures that you can enjoy all the benefits of, while we regularly update and improve our offering to make your experience even more enjoyable.
Can I keep the card reader?
You can get the card reader and the included accessories in our complete set for a one-off fee of €199. The device does not need to be returned. If you cancel your user subscription with, the device remains with you and can be reactivated at any time if required.
How much does shipping cost?
We will ship your starter set and all available cards for your device free of charge .
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