Personalized Photo and Video Cards

You can share your family photos and videos with your loved ones.

✅ Create personalized photo and video cards.

✅ Upload photos and videos using the companion app. Update them at any time.

✅ Just place the card and the photos and videos will be played on the TV.

Order in the app and use immediately at home

This is how quickly your new cards will reach you:

1. Order

After installing your device, you can select and order new cards in the app.

2. Receive

We produce your cards within 3-4 working days and always ship them free of charge.

3. Play

Your cards work immediately and without any further installation. Simply place them on the card and play them straight away.

Create individual photo and video cards with the companion app in three easy steps.

1. Order photo video card

Order the photo video card in the companion app. You can also personalize the card directly here.

2. Upload photos and videos

Upload your photos and videos via the companion app. You can edit the content at any time.

3. Enjoy content

Our loved ones put the card on and enjoy the content you shared with them.

Everything about our photo and video cards

We have summarized the most frequently asked questions for you.

Like all cards, they are automatically played on the TV when placed on the card reader. You do not need to install the cards separately. We send them to you ready for use.

To play these and other cards from, you need the starter set with the included card reader.

All cards in the series, film and documentary categories contain several episodes. This means that with each card you purchase a complete series with several episodes for long-lasting television enjoyment. Details about the content of each card can be viewed during the ordering process in the app.

Our device automatically saves the playback status of all cards. You can remove the card from the card reader at any time and continue watching from the same point at a later time. Incoming calls, playing a different card or turning the TV on and off do not affect the playback progress.

You can easily and simply jump back and forth between the individual episodes of a season. To fast forward an episode, lift the card briefly and then put it back on the device. To rewind an episode, lift the card, turn the back to the front and then put the card back on the device.

We offer all cards at a price of 9.99 euros each. Shipping costs are already included.

So funktioniert's

Sehen Sie eine Demonstration der Foto- und Videokarten

Wie Familienfoto- und Videokarten funktionieren.

Many more cards in our app

We offer many other series, film and documentary cards as well as a wide range of other categories. Please download the associated app when setting up your device.