Cards from

Sports, News & Current Affairs for 9.99 euros each

Choose the right cards from our range for your best possible experience and discover current content such as sports, news and more.

Order in the app and use immediately at home

This is how quickly your new cards will reach you:

1. Order

After installing your device, you can select and order new cards in the app.

2. Receive

We produce your cards within 3-4 working days and always ship them free of charge.

3. Play

Your cards work immediately and without any further installation. Simply place them on the card and play them straight away.

Examples from the map category Sports, News & Current Events

We show you a selection of the most popular cards from this category. You can find many more cards in our app.

The current sports studio

"Das aktuelle Sportstudio" is a traditional sports program on ZDF that has been reporting on the most important events and developments in the world of sports since 1963.

Sportschau Bundesliga

"Sportschau Bundesliga" is the legendary football program on German television, which summarizes the games and events of the Bundesliga in detail and in a gripping manner.


"Tele-Gym" is a well-known fitness format from Bayerischer Rundfunk that has been helping millions of viewers stay healthy and active since 1983.


The Tagesschau is the leading news program of the ARD and one of the best known and most trusted sources of information in Germany.


"frontal" (formerly known as "Frontal21") is an investigative political magazine from ZDF that deals with current social, political and economic issues.


"Weltspiegel" is a renowned foreign magazine of the ARD, which has been reporting on current events and background information from all over the world since 1963.

Documentary & Reportage

"Documentary & Reportage" is a versatile format from MDR that offers viewers exciting and in-depth insights into a wide range of topics.


Documentary series about impressive archaeological sensations, historical events or spectacular natural phenomena on our earth.


"Länderspiegel" is a current affairs magazine from ZDF that highlights the most important events and developments from the federal states of Germany on a weekly basis.

History – The 20th Century

"History - The 20th Century" is a documentary series by ZDF that deals intensively with the formative events and developments of the past century.

ZDF History

"ZDF History" is a high-quality documentary series from ZDF that deals with historical events, personalities and eras.

History in the First

Documentary series about German and international historical events, personalities and developments that have shaped history.

Leopard, Fur Seal & Co.

"Leopard, Sea Bear & Co." is a popular zoo documentary series from NDR that follows the everyday life of the animals and the work of the zookeepers at the Hagenbeck Zoo in Hamburg.

Adventure Earth

"Adventure Earth" is a fascinating documentary series from WDR that deals with the most diverse facets of our nature and animal world.

Expeditions into the Animal Kingdom

"Expeditions into the Animal Kingdom" is a traditional and award-winning nature documentary series from NDR that has been showing the fascinating world of animals in impressive images for over 50 years.

Elephant, Tiger & Co.

Zoo documentary series that follows the life of the animals and the work of the keepers at Leipzig Zoo up close and offers insights into the lives of the animals.

The veterinarians

Rescuers with Heart is a documentary series about the everyday work of German veterinarians who care for their animal patients with great passion.

Many more cards

You can order many more cards from this category in our app after installing the device.

Everything about our series, film and documentary cards

We have summarized the most frequently asked questions for you.

Like all cards, they are automatically played on the TV when placed on the card reader. You do not need to install the cards separately. We send them to you ready for use.

To play these and other cards from, you need the starter set with the included card reader.

All cards in the series, film and documentary categories contain several episodes. This means that with each card you purchase a complete series with several episodes for long-lasting television enjoyment. Details about the content of each card can be viewed during the ordering process in the app.

Our device automatically saves the playback status of all cards. You can remove the card from the card reader at any time and continue watching from the same point at a later time. Incoming calls, playing a different card or turning the TV on and off do not affect the playback progress.

You can easily and simply jump back and forth between the individual episodes of a season. To fast forward an episode, lift the card briefly and then put it back on the device. To rewind an episode, lift the card, turn the back to the front and then put the card back on the device.

We offer all cards at a price of 9.99 euros each. Shipping costs are already included.

Many more cards in our app

We offer many other series, film and documentary cards as well as a wide range of other categories. Please download the associated app when setting up your device.